Time to stop whining, bitching, and moaning and get back to my exercise program.

Here I am in quarantine, thinking I have to be locked up, feeling sorry for myself while sitting on the couch doing nothing, but this week, I took action with my family to mimic my usual work out plans and do one of our own.

Prior to going outside and getting fresh air, we all started getting antsy and crazy with each other.  My husband I were bickering about absolutely nothing. We were nervous about the situation in our country and the chaos. I am  also missing my routine, gym, eating out and just being social.

Then, magically, we discovered the outdoors and workout videos.  I also discovered I STILL have a home gym in my basement!!!  Yup, stress makes me forget things. And to my amazement, I STILL have a treadmill and other gym equipment just waiting to be used down in the basement.

I am also very glad for the running community and their friendship. They motivated me to get out the door and run. So, this week, I ran 16 miles and also did a home workout video. (Body Pump) I am looking forward to September when I run the marathon with Team Liver Foundation.

And I am happy again,




Boston Marathon, I will see you September 14th.


Boston Marathon is postponed until September 14th.  Now I have 6 more months to train hard.

I also decided to work with Coach Jeff Galloway again, through a weekly email conference.  I want him to alter my running plan so I can keep up with my endurance, strength, and hopefully make me a faster runner.

I am also keeping up with my fitness plan.  I am able to run outside on the beautiful trails in Massachusetts,  or my treadmill.  I welcome the warm spring/summer months for running, and the beauty it brings such as bluer skies, blossoming trees, flowers, and lastly more sunlight.


Boston Marathon Training March 2-8

Monday rest

Tuesday rest

Wednesday rest

Thursday……..18 mile run…. this run went well…..   I was in the groove! I am pleased with my effort.  I decided to force myself to rest prior to the run. I wanted to clear up all the allergy mucus and congestion in my airways before the 18 miles. Nailed it ..18 miles! Hooray!

Friday … lap swim 45 minutes

Saturday …Barbell Class … followed by a 20-minute lap swim, ….. afternoon 2 miles very easy run

Sunday 3 mile run

Total running miles 23 ……..Strong 50-year-old women working on strength, endurance …Boston I will be ready for you.

I am running the Boston Marathon with the Liver Foundation Marathon Team . If you would like to support this great cause click here


scroll to donate to   runner …Robin Stairman


Boston Marathon Training February 24-March 1

50 more days until the Boston Marathon!   Train well…Take care of myself  ….get to the start line

85193411_10156774055046657_3376097143675682816_oMonday    lap swim
Tuesday   Barbell Strength class
Wednesday rest
Thursday long run 10 miles.  no energy …. long slow horrible miles…Oh well, that’s marathon training.
Friday ….4 mile run and lap swim
Saturday Barbell Strength class..     Sunday rest day …I was a bit congested ..due to New England crazy weather. IMG_1096


Sunday afternoon, for a treat, my husband and I went to the Museum of Science in Boston to see the exhibit DOGS!  A SCIENCE TAIL.  I love dogs, I have 3 Labradors and a Golden retriever.   I had a great time learning about life from a dog’s view.  It was neat to experience the way a dog sees, hears, and smells the world.

Last week pictures of Patient Match Bowling Liver  Foundation Marathon
