Running season has begun

To my family and friends❤💜

Spring is here, and my running season has officially begun.

This summer, I am participating in various neighborhood 5k’s and 10k’s. I also have two big marathons in the fall.

I am running the New York marathon for an organization called Team for Kids.

Team for Kids brings free running and fitness programs throughout the country. Team for Kids funds help support programs for children nationwide, including New York City’s five boroughs. These programs help build students’ motivation, confidence, and desire to be physically active for life.

This charity is close to my heart because running has helped

transform my life. As a child, I felt like I was in Charlie Brown in a classroom. Learning to me waa,waaa waaa, wa wa. By the second grade, I was identified as a person with learning “issues”. I struggled with poor reading comprehension and writing.

The world of academics and commerce was not in my calling. I had one failure after another.

I was very blessed that a mentor introduced me to distance running. In the year 2,000, I stepped onto the road of distance running and started training for my first marathon. Every time I stepped onto the track or road, I felt awesome.

I could keep up. Mile after mile I ran and I was succeeding!

The more I ran, the more excited I got.

Running has given me self-esteem and life skills and has taught me I am capable of much more than I ever thought.

Running is not only a physical sport; running coaches also informed me it is a mental game.

When I get to the race start line, I know I will finish.

All I need to do is dig deep when I become tired.

I usually don’t share my story, but it was important for me to do so.

Why again did I choose to run with Team for Kids?

All children should be allowed to have a passion for a sport and live their dreams of becoming amazing athletes or track stars.

All athletes should have the ability to chase their potential.

Since then, I have been a homemaker and raised two beautiful girls, ages 25 and one who will be 29 in May.

I have also been married for 30 years.

I have run 17 Boston Marathons, 5 Disney Marathons, and one New York marathon.

I have no desire to stop.

This charity can not exist without the help from others.

Please consider donating. You might need an opportunity to direct your philanthropy. May I suggest this charity?